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Making the Multiplier: Gamifying the UX

Hello, a rather fun update for you today. 

Over the past two years, we've spent a lot of time testing the Multiplier with many different users. From unboxing the machine for the first time to people making their first injection mold level quality form in less than ten minutes.

The Multiplier provides close to full automation of operation - once you have chosen your sheet preset, the machine knows exactly what temperature to heat that sheet to, how long it should be heated for and how much pressure it requires to get the best form. There’s even a clever algorithm in there that controls a little vacuum pump which sucks air out of the dome, keeping the sheet completely level for a perfect form every time. 

The one part that does require human interaction is the pulling down and locking of the dome when the machine tells you the sheet is ready to form. There are three steps to this sequence:

1. Pulling the dome down using the handle 

2. Locking the dome using the sliding lock mechanism 

3. Pushing the pressure release button - a very satisfying button releasing four tonnes of force!

The importance of doing these three steps fast is absolutely crucial for getting great results every time. We’ve been scratching our heads for a while about how we might be able to communicate this to the user. Will, our Product Engineer, came up with a really cool solution: Gamify it!

Now every time you make a new form, you’ll get a score out of 100 at the end. This score is based on how efficiently you have completed the three steps above. It's super fun and we’ve been having a bit of a competition in the studio on who can get the highest score. No one has quite hit the 100 high score, just yet!

So, in the next firmware update this feature will be added. Once you get your machine, let us know what you think and what scores you’re getting - especially if you manage to get 100!

As always, if you are still waiting for your machine you can visit our Shipping Updates page or send us an email at [email protected] with any of your questions. 

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